It does not get better than this

Unpretentious or so I believed.
This day with you, added zest,
Cautious though, how would it be?
Would we be free, or would life's distance
Keep separate me from thee.
In quiet uncertainty we carved small talk.
Then at the place, changed to bathe
Beauty I longed to touch, but not at such early stage.
Salt, sweaty scrub we shared.
Easier now, closer we crept
Peace rolling over us, such delicious embrace.
Mind's quiet removed from world's too frantic pace.
Between us yet, souls delight, closer, tighter, peace's embrace.
Easier now, loves longing swept,
As honey wrapped we crept, still closer,
Trapped in a bubble of peace,
Time ceased.
Then your kiss.
In the returned embrace we found souls sharing so much.
With all patience of mustered will
Passions surge I wrestle to still.
Goals I must, world's work I endure,
But for you always time
In you great depth of energy and peace,
Such energy of stillness would mend cracked soul and put it right.
2005, September 30